Sunday afternoon, after everyone had left, I decided to expand my vegetable garden another 900mm! I had to pull out the existing plants, dig in some compost and then a trip to my local nursery to have a look at some plants. I didn't buy many plants, just a chilli and box basil, but did some home with some Rosella seeds (for jam making) and some spring onions. I also planted some more lettuce, as this is something we go through!
Lettuce, with zucchini at the back and English spinach to the right. We have peas slowly climbing up their supports and some purple beans nearly coming into flower. |
This is some purple cabbage with the beetroot to the right and pak choi to the left. |
The vegetables I planted a few weeks ago are doing well. The lettuce is starting to form and my cabbage is growing fast. I have had my beetroot, English spinach and Pak Choi all come through, so hopefully there will be plenty. So now my teeny tiny garden in a teeny tiny bit bigger!
Last night we had Bec and her partner come for dinner (they come around once a week), so I took the opportunity to make some fresh pasta. This is always a favourite. I think next time I make it I will take the pasta machine down to the smallest setting as this pasta was a bit thick. We had it with a broccoli, mushroom, spring onion and garlic creamy sauce. Sorry didn't take a photo of it!
Fresh pasta. |
I also made a caramel tart for desert as hubby had been asking me to do that lately. I had some of the pastry left over so I made some cute loveheart biscuits. They got iced together this morning with some yummy lemon butter icing.
Loveheart biscuits |
Iced ready to eat |
Because I had the oven on to bake bread and the caramel tart, I thought I would give some muffins the go. I read about
Lucy making these for an afternoon snack for her children and thought I would give them a go. They are beautiful apple and sultana muffins and are really light a fluffy just like Lucy said they would be. I just sampled one. Yummy.
Ingredients ready to go for the muffins |
Muffins hot out of the oven |
The nights have been getting cooler, so we have been lighting the fire in the evening. Our house is like an icebox because of the timber floors. Our little dog, Cindy, loves to sit in front of the fire. Sometimes she sits almost underneath it, but then has to cool off by laying on the floor. I am in the process of crocheting her another coat at the moment. I made one for her yesterday, but it was a bit tight and too short. Ron came home from work and thought it looked as though she had a boob tube on.
Cindy trying to stay warm |
Take care
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