Sunday, May 27, 2012

Another bag

Monday 28th May 2012

I hope everyone had a good weekend.  My was spent mainly at home without any visitors.  It was the quietest weekend we'd had in ages.  A trip to the hardware on Saturday to get some fertilizer for the vegetable patch and a couple more packets of seeds - peas and turnips!  We'll see how they go.

We were up reasonably bright and early to go to the markets as hubby had a hankering for some Manuka honey.  It is absolute favourite!  We braved the chilly conditions and were back home by about 8am to cook a lovely breakfast of bacon and eggs.

Hubby spent quite a few hours repairing the wheel bearings on the caravan, as we hope to take a trip to visit Emily this weekend!  While he was doing that I made the most of my time a put together another block for the quilt I am working on.  I now have three blocks assembled, 1 stitched and only 7 blocks to go!

I spent some time on Friday adding to my gift stash.  Actually I have promised this person one of these for a couple of years now so I thought I had better deliver!
This is a casserole bag, used to carry food to potluck dinners or your contribution to a meal or BBQ.  You can use it for hot or cold items.  You simply place the casserole or whatever you are taking into the bag, pull the cord tight and tie it in a bow then use the handles to carry it.
In the above photo you can see one of my casserole dishes in it with the cord done up and the two handles.

This way you can carry your item without getting burnt!

A friend gave me one many years ago as a birthday gift and I use it all the time.  When I say she gave me one, I was given the materials and basic instructions and then had to make it myself.

If the bag becomes soiled all you have to do is throw it in the washing machine with a normal wash.

If anyone is interested leave me a comment and I will write a tutorial on how to make this bag.  It would make a lovely housewarming gift if you gave it with a casserole dish and maybe a cookbook.

Take care

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