Sunday, May 20, 2012

Busy, busy, busy!

Where do I start?  Just when you think you're going to have a quiet weekend mayhem erupts!

Emily's smart new uniforms!
It all started when this beautiful person came home Friday night.  She bought her partner, two Queensland Blue pumpkins and two loads of washing!  She was very excited as she had gotten her uniform for work.  Emily is working for the Western Downs Regional Council and loves it!  I must say the uniforms are lovely!

I did manage to complete the dog coat I had mentioned in a previous post and it really was quite easy.  The hard part came trying to take the photo.  You know how the saying goes.  Never work with animals or children!
It does look cute though and seems to help to keep her warm.  Our house has timber floors throughout and always seems really cold in winter.  Cindy's fur isn't very thick so she really feels the cold.

I bought a mushroom box awhile ago (4 weeks) and am just starting to get some mushrooms that are ready to be picked now.  I can see plenty more coming through and hopefully we will get a good harvest from them.  We love mushrooms and hopefully this will work out cheaper than buying them from the supermarket.  I have been told that the mushroom compost is great on the garden, so when it has finished that will be going there.  I also have plans for the poly box they come in, so stay tuned to see that!
Some mushrooms ready for picking
Sunday saw an early rise to the markets.  Bec collected me on her way to the markets and I showed her where the best produce was and hopefully the best prices.  She said that so far it has cost less than previously.  She just has to see how long the produce lasts for before they need to go again. 

Emily wanted some bread to take home and as we had to put the oven on for that, I suggested that she made some muffins to take for lunches also.  She made some chocolate ones!

Emily had already taken her portion of muffins before this photo was taken, but the peanut butter biscuits were all for us.  I made these to go in my hubby's lunchbox over the next couple of weeks.  It would be so much cheaper if we didn't need to eat!
In the afternoon, after Emily and Dave had left, I was exhausted, so I put the TV on to watch Gardening Australia and work on some crochet roses from Attic24.  These are to go with another project I have been working on since last year.
I just have to keep this.......

away from this little face, as she thinks it is a play toy for her. 

I had all sorts of images of this project being strewn all over the floor when I got up this morning, but so far she seems to have forgotten about it.

Take care

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